Convert 8mm and Super8 Cine Film

The precursor to home videos recorded on camcorders, cine films were widely filmed between the 1950s and 1970s, and they contain some amazing memories of different times and our families' histories. The films are short - usually a matter of a few minutes - and often on 8mm film. Like home videos, the cine films we have digitised are usually records of family trips and special occasions.

We can provide the digital versions back in a variety of formats, including MP4 and MOV (but other formats are also available if required), and they will be available to download from the cloud for an agreed period of time. We can also convert videos to DVD (with chapters, if required) to allow people without access to the Internet to watch the videos again, and we have also created YouTube videos uploaded to private channels to share with family.

The basic cost of transferring a 3 minute (50') 8mm or Super 8 cine film starts at £15.99 per film, which will create a single MP4 file, which can be downloaded from the cloud. Splitting into separate files, or converting to other formats of physical media (USB sticks or DVDs), may incur a small additional charge.